SeeingSim (

Welcome to the seeing simulation and deconvolution, release 23082001!

This software is copyrighted by Christian Pellegrin 2001. It's licensed under the terms of the GPL, please see the file COPYING in the root of the distribution directory or have a look at the GNU site.


In the tarball you can find the programs compiled for my platorm: Here is a brief description of the process of compilation. The directory were you unpacked the distribution will be referred with $SEEING_HOME.


Unfortunatly (I don't plane to rework the code) you have to compile with GSL v0.4.1 (very old). Anyway I included a working library and include files in case you want to recompile. You also will need FFTW compiled for single precision. The steps you have to take are:

PDL part

This shouldn't need any modifications.

Using the simulator

First of all you have to setup some environment variables by sourcing the file setup in $SEEING_HOME/layer_fft:
After this various pieces of the system should found themself in the right way. In the directory $SEEING_HOME/prog you can find many driver programs that illustrate the working of the simulator and deconvolution. The libraries involved (that live in $SEEING_HOME/Lib)are:

The example programms

Have a look in the directory $SEEING_HOME/prog for example programs. All of them include the file common that setups the parameters for the simulation. A template file common.template fully commented is included, you should use it as a reference. The programs currently included are:

LayerFFT options

Syntax: layer_fft [options] filename

Available modules

Miscellaneous theoretical functions.

Miscellaneous utility functions.