
Who is who?

1 minute

Christian Pellegrin #

I was born in 1974. My mother tongues are Italian and Slovene and I have a discrete control of the English language. I work as a software developer. My hobbies are computer science, free software, science, photography, reading, and mountaineering. You can follow my wanderings on my flickr page. You can find some software I hack on on at my github page. My public key address is chripell@fsfe.org. You can also reach me at chripell@gmail.com or chri@evolware.org.

Federico Pellegrin #

I was born in 1979 and started as a IT consultant in 2001. I’m a software generalist with specific knowledge in full life-cycle of embedded systems and Web interfaces applied expecially to automotive, entertainment and refrigeration industry. I’m very interested in teaching with free software systems and tools to professionals and children. I currently work at the European Southern Observatory where I mainly contribute to the build environment and infrastructure for the operational Very Large Telescope (VLT) and the upcoming Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). In my free time I enjoy reading postmodern literature and, if the weather conditions permit it, observe the skies from high mountains with my 46cm Dobsonian. You can contact me at fede@evolware.org, my GPG public key can be found on public key servers.