

November 2012

Customizing your Netgear DGN2200v3

The Netgear DGN2200v3 is a nice low cost Wireless (802.11b/g/n) ADSL2+ router that can be quite easily found. It is a nice piece of hardware and features some interesting features, such an USB host port to connect and share a USB storage device, and expecially is easily customizable for users interested in having a powerfull generic device running a Linux embedded operating system. Note: this is a heavily “Work in Progress” page so please check it out here and there if you are interested in the topic! (last update 09th June 2014) First of all you can find the source tree for the router at Netgear site starting from their GPL Open Source Code for Programmers page. The package also contains a suitable toolchain uclibc-crosstools-gcc-4.4.2-1. Everything described in this page refeers to the “official” firmware V1.1.00.10_1.00.10 . It may also apply to future updates and to the beta version that Netgear started to distribute but it may require slight modifications. The next step to access to your router internals is to enable the telnet shell using the debug backdoor present in the firmware. It is easily done by accessing (we suppose is your router IP address) the URL: This will enable telnet connections from your local network. Just login with your administrator credentials. Once you entered you can analyze the running system, briefly:

Custom Customizing Dgn2200 Dgn2200v3 Embedded Firmware Hacking Linux Linux Desktop Linux Embedded Mips Netgear Screen Torrent

87 minutes